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First Name List: Begins with P

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All first names beginning with P, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. P. (6)
2. Palmer (5)
3. Pamela (5)
4. Pamelia (13)
5. Pamella (1)
6. Pansy (1)
7. Parden (1)
8. Pardon (1)
9. Paris (1)
10. Parker (4)
11. Parkington (1)
12. Parmela (1)
13. Parmelia (4)
14. Parnel (2)
15. Parnell (2)
16. Parthenia (5)
17. Pat (2)
18. Patience (10)
19. Paton (1)
20. Patrice (1)
21. Patricia (12)
22. Patricio (1)
23. Patrick (27)
24. Patsy (4)
25. Patte (1)
26. Patterson (1)
27. Pattlie (1)
28. Patty (3)
   29. Paul (64)
30. Paula (3)
31. Paule (1)
32. Paulene (1)
33. Paulina (8)
34. Pauline (20)
35. Payn (1)
36. Payne (1)
37. Pearce (1)
38. Pearl (37)
39. Pearle (2)
40. Pearlie (1)
41. Peerman (1)
42. Peggy (7)
43. Pelagie (1)
44. Penelope (10)
45. Peniah (1)
46. Penni (1)
47. Penny (1)
48. Penrie (1)
49. Penuel (1)
50. Percilla (6)
51. Percival (1)
52. Percy (17)
53. Perez (1)
54. Perigo (1)
55. Peris (2)
56. Perley (3)
   57. Perlina (2)
58. Permelia (8)
59. Permetus (2)
60. Perrin (1)
61. Perry (9)
62. Persis (7)
63. Perthena (1)
64. Pet (1)
65. Pete (1)
66. Peter (117)
67. Petronella (1)
68. Peyton (1)
69. Phaetus (1)
70. Phalinda (1)
71. Phebe (56)
72. Phebee (1)
73. Pheobe (1)
74. Pherebe (1)
75. Phila (2)
76. Philadelphia (2)
77. Philamina (1)
78. Philamine (1)
79. Philander (2)
80. Philema (1)
81. Philemon (1)
82. Philena (3)
83. Philenda (1)
84. Philetus (2)
   85. Philibert (1)
86. Philinda (4)
87. Philip (68)
88. Philipa (1)
89. Philippa (1)
90. Philippe (5)
91. Phillip (23)
92. Phillis (3)
93. Philo (6)
94. Philomen (1)
95. Phineas (2)
96. Phinehas (2)
97. Phipps (3)
98. Phoebe (25)
99. Phonie (1)
100. Phyllis (13)
101. Phylurah (1)
102. Pierce (1)
103. Pierre (3)
104. Pietro (1)
105. Pitt (1)
106. Platt (1)
107. Pleasant (6)
108. Plina (1)
109. Pliny (2)
110. Plummer (1)
111. Pocahontas (10)
112. Polina (1)
   113. Polle (1)
114. Polly (75)
115. Polycarpo (1)
116. Porteous (1)
117. Porter (4)
118. Portor (1)
119. Poyntz (2)
120. Prentice (1)
121. Prentiss (1)
122. Preserved (2)
123. Presley (3)
124. Press (1)
125. Preston (4)
126. Price (1)
127. Pricilla (2)
128. Primslau (1)
129. Priscilla (15)
130. Prucilla (1)
131. Prudence (15)
132. Pryor (1)
133. Publius (2)
134. Pugh (1)
135. Purchase (1)
136. Purdy (1)
137. Pyrene (1)